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Dateline: Whitney Plantation, Louisiana
As we approached the Whitney Plantation an hour outside New Orleans, my mind returned to a family visit to Williamsburg, Virginia, when I was about seven years old. I remember lots of sunshine and blue sky and people, both black and white, dressed up in pastels, the women with wide skirts and ruffled bodices, the men with tight pants, fancy jackets and wigs. Everything looked very festive and happy. I knew in advance that Whitney would be a different experience.
Keep on Keeping on
The bad news keeps coming. Programs are ending. People are losing jobs. Vaccinations may no longer be available to children. We continue to feel vulnerable and fearful for ourselves and others.
The Truth About DEI
The destruction of DEI initiatives in schools and businesses throughout the country has left people scrambling to understand what it all means for those most affected and for all of us. We have come to understand that DEI programs and policies are not just for people of color, but also for the physically and cognitively challenged. That not only those on the right have criticisms but also some on the left.
Anne Frank Got It Wrong
Thirteen-year-old Anne Frank, hiding from the Nazis with her family in an attic in Amsterdam, wrote, “In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart.” When I first read her words, I remember being filled with admiration for this young girl — for her courage, her ability to find joy in life as her world grew smaller and her future more bleak.
A Tale of Two Redheads
As we listened to the president’s plan to take over Greenland – to wrest it from Denmark and annex it to the United States – we started wondering if perhaps the president thinks Greenland is actually green. We thought maybe he believes this massive arctic ice cube is the perfect spot for a new golf course or three. Is he envisioning an entire greenway from coast to coast, catering to the elite golfers of the world?
Will Anything We Do Matter?
We find ourselves almost speechless as we watch the news and hear the heartless response of our president to the deaths of children on an airplane; to the deportation of immigrants; to the dismantling of programs meant to combat centuries of inequality; and to the dissolution of international alliances that protect our worldwide community.
Over Easy, Please
Last weekend, when one of our adult sons returned from doing his family’s weekly grocery shopping, he unpacked the usual items: fruits and vegetables, milk, cereal, yogurt, bagels, bread, cheese, snacks for the first grader, chicken and fish for dinners, and pasta. One regular item, however, was missing: eggs. Not because prices were so low as a result of President Trump making good on his campaign promise. And not because the prices were so high they were unaffordable.
The First Blizzard of 2025
For those of us who like metaphors, there was nothing like the raging snow storm followed by bone-chilling cold that accompanied Monday’s inauguration. As we dug out from many inches of the white stuff, and negotiated carefully to avoid the black ice, we felt vulnerable, a bit unprotected, and worried about neighbors and families who might be stranded without heat or food.
Damn Lies and Statistics
Hate crimes and hate groups seem to be everywhere. We hear and read about them on a daily basis. While discrimination and prejudice against “the other” are nothing new, these current strains of venom seem to be striking dangerously and frighteningly close to home.
Is the Sky Falling?
January 6 has come and gone. No storming the Capitol with the more than tacit consent of the president. No killing of law enforcement officials. No threats to the lives of senators and congressmen. No conspiracy theories or accusations of stolen votes. Without mobs or disruption, without protests about the legitimacy of his right to the presidency, Congress certified that Donald J. Trump won the 2024 presidential election and will take office in 12 more days.
Read ’Em and Weep
After last week’s letter about our 2025 Art as Activism contest inviting high school students to create posters expressing the importance of fighting book bannings and censorship in schools and libraries, and our plans for a forum on the same subject at the Cabot Theater in Beverly on March 26, we started thinking about what we might all do in our daily lives to spread awareness about this issue, increase knowledge, and make some tangible effect.
2025 Art as Activism Poster Contest
We are excited to announce our fourth annual Art as Activism contest for high school students. We believe that art is an effective form of activism, as well as an especially powerful way for students to find and express their voices.
Who Gets the Shots
Does anyone else remember standing in line in elementary school in the ’50s to receive the first polio vaccine shot? Those were the ones developed by Jonas Salk before a liquid drop form came into use a few years later. My parents were particularly excited after having watched with fear as my brother was hospitalized with polio a decade earlier.
Thanksgiving Truth or Dare
We have retrieved the family recipes from the virtual or actual files; we have successfully navigated the aisles in the grocery store; and we have put clean sheets on the spare beds for soon-to-arrive children and grandparents. Yes, we are just about ready for Thanksgiving. And while we may have trouble giving thanks for a lot of the craziness going on in our country and the larger world, and how that may affect the planet and the most vulnerable among us, we are still thankful for family and love, beauty and humor, health and good memories.
Trump Keeps Some Promises
President-elect Trump may be a liar, but he clearly keeps some promises. His cabinet and staff choices show that he keeps promises to some of his friends and some promises to all Americans. He promised a new way of doing business and that’s just what he plans to do. If you’ve missed what’s to come, here it is, all in one frightening array of appointments.
Keep On Keeping On
Some of us are still licking our wounds. Some are still shocked and in disbelief. All of us are horrified that more than half the voters in our country chose for their leader a man who speaks vulgarly about women and veterans and immigrants and so many others. Horrified that the most powerful head of state in the world is a convicted felon who wants to rule with impunity, overrun the system of checks and balances in our federal system, and deny basic rights to many law-abiding citizens.
Election Night Survival Tips
Tomorrow night is the night we have all been waiting for. Yet, it’s a little like having your senior prom postponed indefinitely because of a blizzard.
Getting off the Fence
The Leading Ladies Executive Committee is endorsing Kamala Harris for president of the United States.
What We Learned from Our Youth Vote Event
We’ve had a busy past few days, with voter registration drives at Beverly High School and Landmark School and our YOUth Votes Count event in partnership with the Cabot Theater.