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Government Brenda Riddell Government Brenda Riddell

Where were you when?

Those of us of a certain age often ask or are asked, “Where were you when Kennedy was assassinated in 1963?” For those younger, the question is, “Where were you when the Challenger exploded in 1986?” And, for those still younger, “Where were you when the planes hit the World Trade Center in 2001?”

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WAATB Blog, Remember When Britney Achin WAATB Blog, Remember When Britney Achin

Remember When: January 6, 2021 - The Day that Our Capitol was Attacked

One year ago today, our nation's Capitol was attacked by right-wing American insurgents at the behest of President Trump and other Republican leaders. We want to mark this terrible day by remembering exactly what happened. If we all continue to raise our voices and not normalize this behavior, maybe it won't happen again. As it stands, polls are showing that we are going to have to expect violence after elections. We haven't experienced this before and must do everything we can to save our democracy.

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Staggering Statistic Brenda Riddell Staggering Statistic Brenda Riddell

Staggering Statistics and Devastating Details

This is our second edition of “Staggering Statistics and Devastating Details.” This time we are focusing on guns – who has them and what happens because of their availability. We hope these facts will not only alarm you but also provide compelling “backup” when others oppose or question your position on issues. “The only thing that permits human beings to collaborate with one another in a truly open-ended way is their willingness to have their beliefs modified by new facts,” wrote author Sam Harris. “Only openness to evidence and argument will secure a common world for us.”

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Staggering Statistics and Devastating Details

We decided to change it up this week. Instead of presenting an in-depth look at one issue, we are offering some staggering statistics and devastating details about a variety of social justice issues of concern to us. We hope you will find them as compelling as we do — and as clarion calls to action for all of us.

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Government, Action Brenda Riddell Government, Action Brenda Riddell

Let's throw the guns out

“Mass shootings are now so frequent that it is hard to remember them all,” commentator Scott Pelley said on CBS’s “60 Minutes” earlier this month. Many of us can recall a time when we had never heard of a mass shooting, let alone a rash of them targeting people of all faiths and colors. Yet, here we are, facing a summer that many fear will bring a spike in senseless killings.

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