Education Britney Achin Education Britney Achin

Celebrating Langston Hughes's Birthday: Honoring a Literary Trailblazer

February 1st marks the birthday of a literary giant: Langston Hughes. Born in Joplin, Missouri, in 1902, Hughes's life unfolded against the backdrop of a complex nation. The scars of the Civil War still lingered, and racial tensions simmered beneath the surface. Yet, within the warm embrace of his grandmother's care, a young Langston discovered a refuge in the world of words.

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Equality, Education Britney Achin Equality, Education Britney Achin

Supreme Court's Ruling and Americans' Views on Affirmative Action

The Supreme Court handed down a 6-3 decision on Thursday limiting the use of race in college admissions. The case, Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard, challenged Harvard University's admissions policies. Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for the majority, stated that while schools can still consider race as a factor in admissions decisions, they cannot use it as the predominant factor in achieving a diverse student body. This ruling is considered a major victory for opponents of affirmative action, who argue against reverse discrimination. However, supporters of affirmative action express concerns that the decision will make it more difficult for schools to foster diversity among their student populations.

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