34 Days And Counting

Dear Leading Ladies, 

Former President Barack Obama took to the airwaves last week to deliver a strong and compelling message to pass on.


We heard him. 

Our Facebook ads are now ready to roll tomorrow, October 1! Thanks to those of you who have sent checks to support this effort. There is still time to send $25, $50, $100, or $200 to Therese (Melden) at 42 Masconomo Street, Manchester, MA 01944 to sponsor half a week, a week, half a month, or a month of ads in a battleground state to urge people to vote. In each state, we are publishing ads specifically aimed at 18-25-year-olds and ones for those over 25. The ads for those over 25 are specific to each state, with photos that reflect the particular beauty and name of the state in calling for its residents to vote.

Here is an example:

As the number of days before November 3 shorten, the need to encourage everyone to vote becomes more important, particularly since the death of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. It is clear that there will be no way to stop President Trump and the Republican-controlled Senate from appointing a new Justice to the Supreme Court. The nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, represents values that are in direct counterpoint to those held by the dearly departed RBG. We can best honor the late Chief Justice by reaffirming our commitment to electing senators, representatives, and a president who will uphold the Constitution she respected and defended so fiercely. 

Share Obama’s video with all the young folks you know. And, please, keep working those phone banks and writing postcards and letters for votefwd.orgindivisible.orgswingleft.org and other organizations. 

Be well, stay safe, have hope,


Leading Ladies Executive Team


Gobsmacked By The News? Read On.


Let Her Memory Be A Blessing