Let Her Memory Be A Blessing

Dear Leading Ladies, 

This week, we join with others around the country - and around the world - in mourning the passing of Chief Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. RBG was a champion of equal rights for women and a role model for girls and women everywhere. As many have said, she did for the Women’s Movement what Thurgood Marshall did for the Civil Rights Movement. Her achievements were legendary, her intellect dazzling, her wit, and humor disarming. 

As many of you know, Justice Ginsburg died on the eve of Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. According to Jewish wisdom, only the most righteous die on this date because God has kept them alive for the full length of the year. How fitting! Also, according to Jewish tradition, it is said after a person dies, “Let their memory be for a blessing.” For some, this means that the memory of the deceased brings comfort amidst the mourning; for others, it means that memories of the life of a righteous person bring guidance even in death to those that are still living.

We are hearing the call to honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s memory by demanding that our legislators fight for her replacement to be appointed after the November election, and by supporting the causes RBG held dear - equity, fairness, the law.

We at Leading Ladies want to honor RBG by working even harder to get out the vote in November for candidates and issues that support equal access to education and health care, fair immigration laws, climate protection, women’s right to choose, civil rights, and gun law reform. To this end, we are ready to launch our Facebook ads in battleground states encouraging people to vote. 

The ads will appear for the month of October and be linked to a page on our website that gives information about how to register, where to vote, and how to get information about candidates and issues. Here is what one of our ads looks like:

We invite our members and followers to sponsor these ads at whatever level they can. 

  • $200 will pay for a month in one state

  • $100 will pay for half a month in one state

  • $50 will pay for one week in one state

  • $25 will pay for half a week in one state

Please send your checks made payable to Therese Melden, Executive Director of Leading Ladies, 42 Masconomo Street, Manchester, MA 01944. Mark on the check which state you would like your ad money to go to: Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, or Wisconsin. Let us know if you would like to be acknowledged on our website and in the next newsletter or if you would like to be anonymous. 

Be well, stay safe, have hope, 

Leading Ladies Executive Team


34 Days And Counting


What Are You Willing To Do For Peace? From The Homefront, Vol. 27