What Are You Willing To Do For Peace? From The Homefront, Vol. 27

September 16, 2020

Dear Leading Ladies, 

Two years ago, a group of students from RAW Art Works , a wonderful program for underserved youth in Lynn, created an installation entitled “Seat at the Table.” It honored Shirley Chisholm, the first Black woman elected to the US Congress and the first Black major-party candidate to run for President of the United States. Chisholm famously said, “If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair."


Out of salvaged wood, the students created a table and chairs. At each place setting, they put a mirror surrounded by a challenge to the viewers. “What will you do to end racism?” “What will you do for our community?” How will you end hate against women?” “What are you willing to do for peace?

As the 2020 presidential and senate elections come closer, we all need to look in the mirror and ask ourselves what will we do to ensure a more equitable future for all, not just some of us? 

Once again, we encourage you to 

Although democracy sometimes seems at risk these days, we know it only works when we participate. 

As for the Facebook ads we mentioned last week, we are still organizing that action and identifying the geographical markets we want to target. Stay tuned. There will be opportunities for donors to sponsor ads in areas where there are the most highly contested races. 

Be safe, stay healthy, and have hope,


Leading Ladies Executive Team



Let Her Memory Be A Blessing


Fewer Than 60 Days Until the Election, From The Homefront, Vol. 26