Pew Research: Americans Broadly Agree: Immigrants Take Jobs Others Don't Want, New Study Shows

A recent Pew Research Center survey reveals a striking consensus among American voters about immigrants' role in the U.S. labor market. The August 2024 study found that three-quarters of registered voters believe undocumented immigrants primarily fill jobs that American citizens don't want, while 61% say the same about legal immigrants.

Bipartisan Agreement, With Notable Differences

Perhaps surprisingly in today's polarized political climate, this view crosses party lines. Among supporters of Democratic candidate Kamala Harris, 90% believe undocumented immigrants take unwanted jobs. While lower, a significant majority (59%) of Trump supporters share this perspective.

The gap narrows somewhat when discussing legal immigrants, with 70% of Harris supporters and 52% of Trump supporters agreeing they mostly take jobs Americans don't want.

Demographics Tell a Nuanced Story

The survey revealed interesting patterns across racial and ethnic groups:

  • Asian voters showed the strongest agreement (90%) that undocumented immigrants fill unwanted jobs

  • Hispanic voters followed at 79%

  • White voters at 75%

  • Black voters at 71%

However, when it comes to legal immigrants, the numbers shift. Hispanic voters lead with 67% believing legal immigrants take unwanted jobs, followed by White (61%), Asian (57%), and Black voters (54%).

The Real Numbers: Immigrants in the U.S. Workforce

Beyond perceptions, the data shows that immigrants make up a significant portion of the American workforce:

  • Total immigrant workers: 30+ million (18% of all U.S. workers)

  • Legal immigrant workers: 22.2 million (13%)

  • Unauthorized immigrant workers: 8.3 million (5%)

Where Immigrants Work

The study reveals that immigrants play crucial roles in specific sectors:

Top Industries

  • Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting: 27% immigrant workers

  • Construction: 26% immigrant workers

Notable Occupations

  • Farming, fishing, and forestry: 43% immigrant workers

  • Construction and extraction: 29% immigrant workers

Some specialized occupations show even higher concentrations:

  • Manicurists/pedicurists: 73% immigrant workers

  • Taxi drivers: 57% immigrant workers

  • Drywall/ceiling installers: 53% immigrant workers

What This Means

The data suggests a growing recognition among Americans that immigrants, regardless of legal status, play a vital role in filling labor market gaps. This understanding appears to transcend political affiliations, even as immigration remains a contentious issue in the 2024 presidential campaign.

The numbers also reveal the complex reality of America's workforce, where immigrants have become essential in specific sectors while remaining a minority in all major industries. This nuanced picture helps explain why most Americans, regardless of political leaning, acknowledge immigrants' crucial role in taking jobs that might otherwise go unfilled.


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