GOOD NEWS: New England Fitness Facebook Group Leaves $4,600 Tip

Winter is a slow time of year for many in the food and hospitality industry, and the Tavern on the Wharf in Plymouth, Massachusetts is no exception. Last weekend, a group of Peloton enthusiasts made all the difference for two servers at this restaurant.

The group is called The Wicked Smaht Zone. They have over 2,100 members on Facebook. The Wicked Smaht Zone holds an annual event to surprise restaurant employees in New England. This year, 22 of the members met for breakfast at the Tavern on the Wharf. They left a $4,600 tip for their two servers. 100 of the Facebook group members also chipped in online.

‌"It made everyone at breakfast feel good. Everyone couldn't wait to get there that day," said organizer Josh Vernon.

‌CBS News spoke with Madison Whittles, Director of Events at Tavern on the Wharf. “Throughout the entire year, it’s kind of that fluctuation. You never really know what you are going to walk away with. So to leave at the end of your shift in one of the slower months of the year and the shock on their faces at the end of it was just amazing.”

When she discovered the group’s tip, server Megan Oliveira went on social media to express her gratitude.

‌"After the hundreds, there were the twenties. We were just, tears. Tears, tears, tears! It's incredible. I live alone. I have two daughters. Rent is due in two days. This was the most heartwarming incredible thing that has honestly ever happened. I couldn't be more appreciative. I could cry talking about it right now."

‌It is the group's hope that others will join them in spreading kindness and giving back.

‌“When you have a platform, no matter how big or small it may be, you have an opportunity to give back in some way. Use it for good, but every little bit counts.”

Britney Achin