Dear Leading Ladies,

As we continue to distill the aftermath of the elections, we are also revisiting the missions of both Leading Ladies and We Are America the Beautiful, with the purpose of rededicating ourselves to our goals in these strange times of a raging pandemic, a president who refuses to aid in the transition to a new administration, and the promise of new leadership.

Together, Leading Ladies and WAATB have had the dual goals of education and action: We aim to educate voters and encourage them to support issues that we believe are crucial to the wellbeing of children, women, families, and the planet. 


To that end, we are launching a new initiative that we are calling kNOw MORE! A reading, watching, and listening group focused on today’s social issues. Think of it as a book group that will also include movies, plays, podcasts, articles, and art/photography exhibits. With experts and/or moderators to guide our discussions, we will meet online once a month to examine topics ranging from police reform, sensible gun control laws, homelessness, and food insecurity, to access to quality health care, equity in education, the climate crisis, immigration rights, and systemic racism. 

Our goal is to learn more about problems that affect people every day in our country; to encourage creative actions and thoughtful solutions; and to foster empathy. While we recognize that truly appreciating the experiences of others is challenging, we believe that art - fiction and nonfiction narrative, drama, music, paintings, and photographs - can build understanding in ways that the evening news reporting can not. 

For now, our discussions will be via Zoom. Join any and all of the sessions you find appealing. 

Curious to kNOw MORE? Send us your suggestions for books, movies, plays, podcasts, and exhibits for us to explore. We will be in touch by email about our first meeting.

In the meantime, and are collecting donations and asking for people to write to reluctant voters to encourage participation in the runoff elections for senators in Georgia on January 5. Rev. Dr. Raphael G. Warnock and Jon Ossoff are the two candidates trying to flip the Senate there. If you would like to donate to their campaigns, go to

And one more thing. More than 100,000 viewed our Your Vote Counts ads on Facebook before Election Day! And thousands of them clicked through to our website. 

Our warm wishes for a happy and safe Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones.

Leading Ladies Executive Team


Be Safe, Give Thanks.


This Land Is Our Land