From The Homefront, Vol. 14

Dear Leading Ladies,

The prospect of reopening schools in September uncovers yet another aspect of the crisis of unequal access to quality education in our country. 

How are underserved school districts going to find the funds to supply the masks, sanitizing hand wipes, and cleaning supplies to make their schools safe for their teachers, staff and students? How are they going to pay for the extra buses needed to assure social distancing? For additional crossing guards? Hall monitors? Staff to clean everything from bathrooms to computer keyboards? 

Sure, wealthier communities always spend more per student, but they also have parent associations that raise thousands of dollars to supplement any needs. And well-heeled parents have contacts with companies who can supply their schools with opportunities, resources and enrichment. And so it goes.

These are just some of the ways that the gap in educational opportunities between the haves and have-nots has become as wide as it is. Now we are at a crossroads where there is every possibility that the gap may get even wider unless the people in power make a commitment to step up. 

What can we do? 

We can pressure our local and national representatives, senators, and candidates such as Sen. Ed Markey and Rep. Joe Kennedy. We can write to them, show up at virtual town halls and call in to radio stations when they are on. 

And what do we say?

“What are you going to do to make sure the costs associated with reopening schools does not put an extra burden on underserved schools and widen the gap in educational opportunities in our Commonwealth?”

We hope you have made your 15-second “Now More Than Ever” videos and passed them on via email, FaceBook, or Instagram. If not, it’s never too late!

Stay safe!



Leading Ladies Executive Team



From The Homefront, Vol. 15


Now, More Than Ever.