Press Freedom Under Threat: A Look at U.S. Journalists' Concerns

In a 2022 survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, nearly 12,000 working U.S.-based journalists were asked about their concerns regarding potential restrictions on press freedoms in the country. The results showed that 57% of the respondents are extremely or very concerned, with a third of journalists saying they are extremely concerned. Another 23% are somewhat concerned, while only 20% have low levels of concern about the future of press freedoms domestically.

The survey also found that older journalists and those with more years of experience in the news industry are especially concerned about U.S. press freedoms. About two-thirds of journalists aged 65 and above (68%) and aged 50 to 64 (63%) are extremely or very concerned about potential restrictions on press freedoms in the U.S. Meanwhile, 52% of those aged 30 to 49 and 42% of those under 30 share the same concerns.

Moreover, the results showed that 65% of journalists who have worked in the industry for more than 20 years are extremely or very concerned about the future of press freedoms in the U.S., compared to 45% of those with five years of experience or less.

The survey also found that the level of concern about press freedoms is consistent across the types of news outlets, regardless of their political leanings or the focus of their coverage. Journalists from news outlets with left-leaning audiences and those with right-leaning audiences have similar levels of concern, with 31% and 36%, respectively, being extremely concerned.

Given the U.S.'s ranking of 42nd in press freedom according to Reporters Without Borders and the challenges that some journalists face in the country, these findings highlight the need for the protection of press freedom and the ability of journalists to report news without fear of censorship or retaliation.

Click here to review the full report and charts.


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