Do You Know? Biden's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is the Largest Infrastructure Investment since the 1950s

The President's Bipartisan Infrastructure Law marks a historic commitment to the transportation sector, enhancing public safety, bolstering climate resilience, fostering nationwide job creation, and promoting a fairer future.

  1. It will create an average of 1.5 million jobs annually over the next decade.

  2. Ensures access to clean water for American families and eradicates lead pipes.

  3. Provides universal high-speed internet access by investing in broadband infrastructure and lower prices for internet service.

  4. Repair and reconstruction of roads and bridges.

  5. Enhances and modernizes public transit while reducing greenhouse emissions.

  6. Upgrades airports and ports to bolster supply chains.

  7. Makes the largest investment in passenger rail in 50 years.

  8. Establishes a national network of electric vehicle charging stations.

  9. Modernizes infrastructure for clean and reliable energy delivery.

  10. Safeguards infrastructure against natural disasters and cyber threats.

  11. Addresses pollution by cleaning up Superfund sites (locations that have hazardous materials) abandoned mines, and capping unused oil and gas wells.

Photo credit: Unsplash

Britney Achin