Pew Research: What Makes Life Meaningful? Global Survey Reveals Differing Answers Based on Age

From We are America the Beautiful blog on November 30, 2021

Pew Research released a report last week on where people find meaning in their life. The company surveyed 2,596 Americans and 16,254 adults from Canada, the UK, Sweden, Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Singapore, and South Korea. The surveys were analyzed by location and age group. The biggest reveal is that what people find meaningful in life changes as they age.

Meaningful Areas of Life:

  • Family

  • Friends

  • Occupation

  • Material well-being

  • Health

18-29-year-olds found the most meaning in their families. Friendships ranked second, occupation/career came in third place, and hobbies and education were also mentioned as key sources of meaningfulness.

30-49-year-olds cited family and career as the most meaningful areas of their life in 13 of the 17 countries surveyed.

Family is cited the most in all age groups, but this age group draws the most meaning from their families than the other age groups.

50-64-year-olds also find meaning in family and occupation, however, this age group emphasized material well-being and physical and mental health as well. Material wealth was chosen in the top three topics in 11 of the 17 countries surveyed. Health showed up in 8 of the countries from this age group and ranked in the single to low double digits in younger age groups.

65 and older adults found more meaning in material well-being, retirement, and society, and less as much emphasis on family than younger people.

In 12 of the 17 countries surveyed, material well-being ranked in the top three topics.

Health was the next highest factor; in 5 of the countries, health ranked as providing the most meaning.

The third-most-popular topic is retirement.

Other important areas of life include society and location. This group mentioned their country, social services, national economy, patriotism, or nationalistic feelings more than any other age group. In 8 countries, location was mentioned as a source of meaning.

The elderly were the most likely to discuss challenges they are experiencing or negative sentiments.

Read the full report here.


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