From The Homefront Vol.18
Dear Leading Ladies,
The biggest impediment to mail-in voting this year may be the difficulty of the process. Even in Massachusetts, where voters are no longer required to provide an excuse to vote in absentia, they still must submit an application for a mail-in ballot. This is an extra step and a complication bound to dissuade some.
Grassroots, one-on-one efforts are needed to help and encourage everyone to apply for their mail-in ballots. There is an important senatorial primary (Sen. Edward Markey vs. Rep. Joe Kennedy) on September 1 and a final race on November 3 with many local contests, as well as the presidential election, that all need full voter turnout.
The two-step process of requesting a mail-in application and then sending in the mail-in ballot may stymie some senior citizens, but also some very young voters, some with language barriers, and some otherwise responsible citizens who feel unable to do one more thing while they are currently overwhelmed with simultaneously working remotely and caring for children.
If you know people who fit these categories, remind them of the importance of voting this year and help them apply for mail-in ballots. Even do it for them. You can download the applications here and print them to distribute, in case your contacts have overlooked the ones they’ve been sent. Offer to mail their ballots for them. Then follow up. Vote by Mail applications must be delivered to your local election office no later than 4 business days before the election September 1, 2020, State Primary (August 26) and the November 3, 2020, Presidential Election (October 28).
One last thing! Please adapt this letter and send it to your friends so they can reach out to their contacts who may need some help in getting their mail-in ballots.
Thank you and stay well!