
Art is Power

Art as Activism Poster Contest for High School Students

Top entries will RECEIVE CASH PRIZES AND BE displayed at The Cabot, Beverly City Hall, Beverly Arts Fest, and more!

Everyone’s vote counts. Show them why! Create a poster that will motivate people to register to vote.

Your art is your power! Share it this election year!


  • Design 1–3 posters to be considered in the contest.

  • Design a matching social media post for each submission.

  • Posters must be 11x17 inches including one inch of space on the bottom for the branded band that we have provided.

  • Type your first name* and graduation year in the provided band. If you are not using a digital medium, you will need to take a high resolution photo of your work with a printed copy of the band attached. Submit the photo and send in your hard copy for display consideration.

  • The message must be nonpartisan, meaning it cannot be biased toward any political party.

  • Designs must be submitted by May 15, 2024.

  • Your entry can address a general audience or a specific group such as women, young people, senior citizens, LGBTQ+, or BIPOC.

  • Before submitting, be sure to read through the checklist below. If your design does not comply with the guidelines and checklist, it will not be considered for an award.

  • If you have any questions, please reach out to

Submission Checklist

Please check for the following before submitting:

  • Messaging must be nonpartisan (messaging cannot be biased towards any specific political party).

  • Leading Ladies branded band must appear on the bottom 1 inch of the poster.

  • Your first name and grade year have been included on the branded band.

For the poster

  • All posters must be 11x17 inches including the provided band

  • Digital posters must be 11x17 inches at 300 dpi

  • Digital posters must be saved as a PDF

  • All digital files must be less than 50MB

For the Social Post

  • All submissions should be 2250x2250 pixels at 150 dpi

  • Files must be exported as a JPG set to RGB


Ready to submit your art?

In the submission form, you will be asked to include an optional artist statement. The artist statement must be nonpartisan (messaging cannot be biased toward any specific political party).

Once you’ve completed everything on the checklist, please fill out the submission form linked below.